
The ILO and the ITC-ILO will partner up with ENCLE to ensure better access of migrant workers, refugees and refugees in Europe to social protection and to increase the knowledge base of migrants’ right to decent work and access to social protection and foster partnerships in this endeavour. This partnership therefore allows these different organisations to bring together their strengths and share efforts for extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers and refugees in Europe.


The roles and responsibilities of these institutions in the implementation of this project are described below.



International Labour Organization


The ILO has a history of providing technical assistance to member States through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. Its international standards and programmes on Employment and Social Protection, labour law and social dialogue allow it to draw globally on expertise and human resources directly related to the substance of the project.


As part of its comparative advantage, the ILO does not only provide support and advice that is personalised to the nature and scope of each request but also that is based on an international legal framework that has been adopted through consensus of government, employers and workers from around the world.


With respect to Social Protection, its success lies in its ability to match different technical aspects of social security (legal, policy, actuarial, public finance, macroeconomics, statistics, administration, etc.) through a tailor-made response that integrates the global network of expertise residing in contacts with government, workers’ and employers’ organizations and of different ILO departments and offices.


The ILO is mandated, as recently reaffirmed following the adoption of the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, (No. 202) in 2012, to extend social security to all in need of such protection including migrants. It relies on a distinct comprehensive international legal framework, composed of ILO Conventions and Recommendations, to guide countries to help safeguard migrants’ rights to social protection. These include the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102); Migration for Employment Convention, 1949 (No. 97); Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention, 1962 (No. 118); Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143); Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982 (No. 157) and Recommendation, 1983 (No. 167); and Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202).


In addition, as the lead UN agency in the field of social protection, the ILO actively collaborates with other UN agencies and development partners including through UN country and global teams, effectively combining different fields of technical expertise to multiply results in the daily lives of millions.


Through this project the Social Protection Department and Migrant Department of the ILO will jointly therefore support the dissemination of ILO standards and principles among students and possible future policy-makers, managers or technical staff involved in planning, designing, managing and delivering social protection measures for migrants. Furthermore, by supporting the development of the evidence base and practical guidance material, the ILO will contribute to building local capacities of public organisations, NGOs and other civil society organisations (incl. workers and employer organizations) in responding to refugees and migrant workers’ needs.  


International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO)


The ITC-ILO is the training arm of the ILO and provides training and related services that develop human resources and institutional capabilities. It thereby contributes to achieving the ILO's goal of decent work for women and men. ITC-ILO is a unique institution whose specific assets include:

  • reservoir of expertise on employment, labour, human resources development and capacity-building
  • in-depth knowledge of the specific social, economic and cultural conditions of different countries and regions
  • world-wide network of partner institutions and resource persons
  • close links with the ILO and the whole United Nations system
  • strong client orientation, multi-lingual delivery, inter-disciplinary perspective and gender sensitivity
  • constant evaluation and fine-tuning of our services
  • cutting-edge information and communication technology
  • modern residential facilities on our campus in Turin, Italy
  • favourable location for relevant study visits, in the heart of Europe
  • advanced training facilities, global scope and multi-cultural learning environment.


ITC-ILO is the leading global provider of learning and training for the world of work. Its learning, knowledge-sharing and institutional capacity-building activities and programmes for governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations and other development partners are based on the latest thinking, best practices and comparative experiences in the ILO field of expertise including social protection, and migration.


Regular programmes are offered in a multicultural and multilingual environment at the ITC campus in Turin or through e-learning. Tailor-made programmes are offered at the organizational, local, national or regional level.


The ITC-ILO delivers training courses and produce materials in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian Arabic and Chinese, and has gained considerable experience in organizing global, regional and national training activities.


Through this project the ITC-ILO will therefore support the delivery of training and awareness activities as well as collaborate in the production of practical guide and user-friendly material integrating the ILO standards and principles as well as the findings of the research conducted by ENCLE. ITC-ILO will therefore participate to the reinforcement of capacity of local actors working with migrants at the local level.


The European Network for Clinical Legal Education


The European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) is a European Network of persons, universities, law clinics and NGOs committed to achieving justice through education. It aims to bring together persons, universities, law clinics and NGOs from different countries, who exchange perspectives and work collaboratively from a variety of legal, educational and organizational settings in order to promote justice and increase the quality of law teaching through Clinical Legal Education (CLE).


ENCLE pursues in particular the following specific objectives: (1) to pursue and promote social justice and diversity as core values of the legal profession, (2) to increase the quality of legal education, (3) to foster awareness on fundamental rights and the mechanisms to enforce them and (4) to promote the understanding of how domestic law and International and European law interact in practice.


In order to pursue its objectives, ENCLE undertakes several actions, such as (1) promoting, supporting and facilitating the creation of CLE programmes across Europe, (2) fostering CLE research projects, (3) convening a yearly ENCLE conference and, in addition, workshops and training sessions and (4) providing a platform for, and facilitating, transnational projects on innovative methods of legal education and enhancing sensitisation to social justice through legal education etc.


In the context of this project, the European Network for Clinical Legal Education will promote the exchange of perspectives as well as share knowledge and best practices. This exchange will play a particular important role in a field, such as migration and social protection, characterized by a high level of fluidity, inter-dependence and constant mutation. Moreover, many migrants and asylum seekers move among different European countries, for several reasons including search for better job opportunities, family reunification and language barriers, and consequently come across different social protection systems.


Thank to this partnership, different European universities and local actors will be able to share experiences and practices of collaboration, as well as practical information on the implementation of the European Union framework on migration and social protection. Lastly, the information acquired in the different European countries will serve as a basis for a comparative study and for the development of more comprehensive material on how to access decent work and social protection while moving from one European country to another.