Institutional Set-up of NHIB

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In order to strengthen social health protection, the Government of Lao pursued reforms which include the creation of a National Social Health Insurance Authority through the integration of the four different social health protection schemes currently operating in the Lao PDR. The expectation is that a unified institutional arrangement will lead to universal coverage by 2020.


The Prime Minister’s Decree on the National Health Insurance Scheme (Decree No.470/PM), enacted on 17 October 2012, has created the legal basis for the establishment national social health insurance fund, and an administrative body, the National Health Insurance Bureau, which has in the meantime been established, under the MoH.

A ministerial decree (No. 1666/MoH) was adopted on 22 July 2013, defining the mandate of the bureau at central level and the roles and responsibilities of its senior management.

Read the Decree on the organization and the operation of the Bureau of the National Health Insurance at central level, 2013

In April 2014, the local NHIB office has been established at the provincial level (not at the district level yet) as start of the pilot for the Extension of Coverage in Vang Vieng and it will be soon operating to disburse the subsidies of this project.


Homepage | Institutional Set-up | Extension of Coverage in Vang Vieng | Costing of Health Care Benefits | Actuarial Valuation of Social Security Law | Management Information System