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Additional reading for the workshop and SPF Good Practices Guide on Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors


Session 1 - The SPF and the need for coherent social protection strategies and coordination mechanisms

Social Protection concepts and approaches

Linking up social protection systems in developing countries

SPF for a fair and inclusive globalization

World Social Security Report 2010-2011

The strategy of the ILO: Social security for all 

Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection, 2012 (No. 202)


Session 2 - Increasing out-reach of social protection through better and decentralized social protection services

Coordinating poverty alleviations programs with regional and local governments

Linking Community Empowerment, Decentralized Governance and Public Service Provision through a Local Development Framework

Single Window Service in Asia and the Pacific


Session 3 - Supporting families to graduate out of poverty through integrated packages of services and transfers

Transforming Livelihoods for Resilient Futures

Pathways out of Poverty

Skills Development as part of social protection Programmes

Social Transfers


Session 4 - Special focus on active age population: linking employment and social protection

ASEAN-ILO/Japan Project on "Promoting and Building Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services in ASEAN"

Comparative review of unemployment and employment insurance experiences in Asia and worldwide

Unemployment insurance, income security and active labour market policies in ASEAN: proceedings of the ASEAN tripartite seminar in Ho Chi Minh City, 20-22 March 2012

World Bank Discussion Paper on Impacts of Active Labor Market Programs: New Evidence from Evaluations with Particular Attention to Developing and Transition Countries

ILO-EU Project on Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment
ILO-EU Project report on Coordinating social protection and employment policies: Experiences from Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Honduras
World Bank: A Review of National Training Funds
OECD: Social Protection and the Informal Economy: Linkages and Good Practices for Poverty Reduction and Empowerment"
C168 Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988
ILO-EU Project report on Towards integrated employment and social protection policies in Cambodia

Technical Report: Building Synergetic Linkage between Prevention, Compensation, Return to Work in Employment Injury Scheme in Asia and the Pacific Region


Session 5 - Developing sectors of the economy through a combined set of social protection and employment measures

UNESCAP Study "The Promise Of Protection: Social Protection And Development In Asia And The Pacific"

OECD Economic Studies: Social Protection and Growth

AusAID paper series: Social protection and economic growth in Pacific Island countries

Social Protection, Rural Development and Food Security: Issues paper on the role of social protection in rural protection, ODI London

World Bank: Public Works as a Safety Net

GIZ: Protective and productive: The Role of Social Protection for Rural Development and Food Security

DFID Social Protection Briefing Note: Social protection and economic growth in poor countries

Capacity building for contracting institutional assessment and contractor tracing

The evaluation of UCS on macroeconomic impacts in Thailand

A PWP as part of the NSPS: Guidelines for implementation


Session 6 - Improving transparency and traceability through management information systems

Demystifying MIS: guidelines for management information systems in social funds

Making Technology Fit: Designing an Information Management System for Monitoring Social Protection Programmes in St. Kitts

Pension Watch Briefing: Good practices in the development of management information systems for social protection

WB discussion paper on MIS in Social Safety Net Programs: A Look at Accountability and Control Mechanisms

MIS for CCTs and social protection in Latin America: A Tool for Improved Program Management and Evidence-based Decision Making

Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor: Technologies for social protection