Work plan

The work plan refers to technical activities under the ABND exercise. For activities related to the endorsement and advocacy, please refer to the main page.


June - July 2014

1. First CG meeting to decide a work plan

2. Identifying main social protection programmes for the ABND

3. Collecting data through online research and from existing studies, brochures and reports

4. Preparing a first draft of the ABND matrix


August 2014


1. Bilateral meetings with government agencies, social security providers, and UN agencies, to complete the matrix, identify policy gaps, implementation issues and recommendations

2. Second CG workshop to validate the draft ABND matrix


September 2014


1. Bilateral meetings with workers and employers organizations and UN agencies, to validate the matrix, and obtain inputs on policy gaps, implementation issues and recommendations

2. DOLE & ILO meeting to review the matrix, in preparation for the third CG workshop

3. First internal DOLE meeting to restructure and review the ABND matrix


October 2014


1. Second internal DOLE meeting to review the ABND matrix, in preparation for the third CG workshop

2. Third CG workshop to validate the ABND matrix, and develop joint recommendations

3. Collecting financial and statistical data from online sources for the cost-estimation exercise, i.e. the 'RAP'


November 2014


1. Preparing an initial RAP model for estimating the cost of recommendations

2. Bilateral meetings with NEDA, PSA & DOLE on making financial projections for the RAP


December 2014 - January 2015


1. Bilateral meetings between DOLE and concerned government agencies to complete the ABND matrix

2. DOLE TWG workshop to finalize the matrix in preparation for the fourth CG workshop


February 2015


1. Fourth CG workshop to finalize the matrix in preparation for the island-wide consultations


March 2015


1. Fifth and sixth CG meetings to plan and prepare for the island-wide consultations

2. Island-wide consultations in Visayas and Luzon to validate the ABND matrix and recommendations


April 2015

1. Seventh CG meeting to plan and prepare for the island-wide consultations

2. Island-wide consultation in Mindanao to validate the ABND matrix and recommendations


May 2015


1. Updating the RAP model based on the recommendations validated in the island-wide consultations


June 2015

1. First RAP workshop to train on using the RAP model and to decide the scenarios for the Philippine RAP model

2. Special consultation of child rights stakeholders to provide additional inputs to the matrix related to children

3. Special consultation of construction sector workers to provide additional inputs to the matrix


July 2015

1. Eighth CG workshop to plan the future ABND activities

2. Special consultation of child rights stakeholders to frame recommendations and scenarios related to children


August 2015

1. Ninth CG workshop to plan the future ABND activities

2. Finalizing of the assessment matrix based on inputs gathered during the sectoral meetings

3. Updating the RAP model based on workshops and consultations held so far


September 2015


1. Second RAP workshop to further discuss the scenarios for the Philippine RAP model

2. Updating of the RAP model according to drafted scenarios, including the gathering of required data from concerned agencies

3. Presentation of the preliminary results to the NEDA Social Development Committee (SDC) and circulation of the ABND matrix to member agencies of the SDC for further inputs 

4. Third RAP workshop to finalize the scenarios and the RAP model


October 2015

1. Finalization of the RAP costing model


November 2015

1. Tenth CG workshop in preparation for the presentation to the HDPR cluster

2. Presentation of the ABND process and the nationally defined SPF to the HDPR cluster

3. Preparation of the draft ABND report


December 2015

1. Bilateral meetings and tenth CG workshop to discuss the ABND country report

2. Bilateral meeting between DOLE and ILO to discuss the outcome of the HDPR cluster and next steps after the ABND

3. Prioritization of the ABND recommendations for the two subsequent government administration cycles


January 2016

1. Comparative analysis of the Philippine social protection system with its ASEAN neighbours

2. Extension of the RAP model to 2028 to reflect the prioritization of the recommendations and create a link with the SDGs

3. Preparation of a micro-simulation model to estimate the impact of the ABND recommendations on poverty reduction in the Philippines


February 2016

1. Technical review of the Philippine country report by ILO


March - December 2016

1. Finalization and technical review of the Philippine country report

2. Presentation of the ABND recommendations to the HDPR cluster for endorsement and further presentation to the President

3. Launch of the report