
Statement on social protection floors: an essential element of the right to social security and of the sustainable development goals

  • Anglais
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
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Résumé (anglais)

In its 54th session, 23 February - 6 March 2015, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) adopted  the Statement on social protection floors: an essential element of the right to social security and of the sustainable development goals. The Statement recommends "the establishment of social protection floors (SPF), guaranteeing legal entitlements to individuals, as an initial element to be progressively developed into a universal and comprehensive social security system”. In the Statement, the CESCR reiterates the mutually reinforcing nature of its General Comment 19 on the right to social security and ILO Recommendation 202 on SPF.

Texte juridique 6994 socle de protection sociale