
Actuarial practice in social security

  • English
Plamondon, P.; Drouin, A.; Binet, G.; Cichon, M.; McGillivray, W.; Bédard, M.; Perez-Montas, H.; ILO, ISSA
International Labour Office, International Social Security Association
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Presents technical material on valuation covering a wide-range of risks including old age, survivors, disability, sickness, maternity, employment injury, and unemployment. Provides concrete examples of work done by actuaries. It discusses the valuation of pensions, short-term cash benefits like sickness, maternity and unemployment insurance and examines the valuation of employment injury benefits as well. In addition, the book devotes special attention to what should be included in the actuarial report and presents a practical exercise to illustrate the important points discussed in the volume.

Quantitative Method Series (ILO) 34864 Disability , Actuarial valuation , Financing , Old-age , Unemployment , Cash / in-kind benefits