
Transforming Cash Transfers: Beneficiary and community perspectives on the Senior Citizen Grant (SCG) in Uganda

  • English
Bukuluki, P.; Watson, C.
Overseas Development Institute
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The Overseas Development Institute carried out a multi-country study exploring the experiences and perceptions of unconditional cash transfer programmes in five countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Yemen and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). In Uganda, the study focuses on the Senior Citizen Grant (SCG),which targets people aged 65 years and above (senior citizens) in rural areas (60 and above in Karamoja), aiming to reduce old age poverty by providing a minimum level of income security through monthly cash transfers.

The study is structured as follows:

  • Section 2 sets out the basic conceptual framework underpinning the research.
  • Section 3 sets out the national context and critically explores the key vulnerabilities and vulnerable groups in Uganda, with particular reference to older people. It also provides a detailed overview of the ESP-SAGE programme and the Senior Citizen Grant (SCG), one of its pilot initiatives.
  • Section 4 presents the overall aims of the multi-country studyand the specific focus of the study in Uganda.
  • Section 5 sets out study participants’ understanding of poverty, vulnerability, and characteristics of vulnerable groups.
  • Section 6 reviews the study participants’ knowledge, perceptions and experiences of the cash transfer programme, with a focus on beneficiary views.
  • Section 7 identifies key successes in programme implementation while also highlighting some remaining challenges as reported by study participants.
  • Section 8 presents suggestions for future direction as well as policy recommendations from the perspective of beneficiaries, programme implementers, national decision-makers, civil society stakeholders, and donors/development partners.
  • On Section 9 the report concludes with a note on the significance of the study findings, highlighting the added value of qualitative research for programme planning and policy development. It also sets out the next steps for dissemination of study results at community, district, national, regional and international levels.

Report 1092 Uganda Social transfers , Cash / in-kind benefits