
Tripartite Round Table on Pension Trends and Reforms (30 November-2 December 2020 and 4 December)

International Labour Organization
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This is the report of the Tripartite Round Table on Pension Trends and Reforms. The objectives of the Round Table were:

  • to share global trends on pension reforms and in that context to learn from country experiences in designing, extending and reforming their pension systems;
  • to discuss policy and reform options in the light of ILO core principles and minimum benchmarks;
  • to share main takeaway messages prepared by the Employers’ group, the Workers’ group and the Government group.

Chapter 1 of this report provides a summary of the responses to the questionnaire, as well as the information provided in some cases in the narrative notes received by the ILO, structured around the nine core principles for pension systems. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the discussions held during the tripartite Round Table, as well as the questions and comments raised by participants. Chapter 3 presents the takeaway messages of each of the three groups. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the closing remarks made by the Employer and Worker Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairperson, as well as a number of individual statements made by participants.

Rapport 1475