
Answering the Health Insurance Needs of the Poor:Building up Tools for Awareness, Education and Participation

  • English
ILO SRO for South Asia, ILO-STEP, CHSSS, Plan International
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Resource cover

Summary (French)

The objective of the joint (ILO-STEP, CHSSS and Plan International) initiative during this workshop is to contribute to the promotion and development of health micro-insurance schemes that can effectively address the specific social protection requirements of the poor. To achieve this goal, the initiative will first target a group of health insurance practitioners working at the grass-roots as well as some other organizations preparing their own health insurance initiative in order to share the practical experience and knowledge that is required for the preparation of various technical tools to enhance awareness, education and participation among the population groups targeted by their interventions. The report gathers this tools in differents documents, according to specific issues addressed in each session.

Workshop ١٢٧٣ India microinsurance