
Symposium on social protection in Southern Africa, List of resources

  • English


 There is growing recognition globally that a basic set of social transfers is a key element to realizing human rights. UN agencies, with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the lead, is promoting the social protection floor, which suggests that countries need to provide cash or in- kind social transfers to create minimum income security and access to essential services. At the same time, many countries in Africa have expanded social protection dramatically – whether it is social pensions in Lesotho, the child support grant in South Africa or the productive safety net programme in Ethiopia.To take stock of these recent developments and discuss ways forward, the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) hosted an International Symposium themed Social Protection in Southern Africa: New Opportunities for Social Development at the University of Johannesburg from 23-25 May 2011. The symposium brought together specialists from the ILO and other UN and donor agencies, Northern scholars and experts as well as African researchers and practitioners from countries such as South Africa, Uganda, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Source: Symposium on social protection in Southern Africa Brief

To read the brief from this Symposium, click here

List of powerpoint presentations

  1. Bockstal, C.  The Social Protection Floor Global Initiatives
  2. Chikadza, K. F.  Civil society support support for government led social cash transfer schemes in Malawi
  3. Freeland, N.  Social protection: The way forward for development partners?
  4. Kruger, J. and Modise, B.  Evaluation of Retirement Systems of Countries within SADC
  5. Kurbiel, L.  Searching for equity within the Cesta Básica: The emerging social protection debate in Mozambique
  6. Laryea-Adjei, G.; Devereux, S.;   Motepe M.  Impact evalation of South AFrica's Child Support Grant
  7. Lund, F.   Working poor in the informal economy.
  8. Marius, O. Social Protection in Lesotho: Innovative Developments and reform challenges
  9. Murungi, I. Expanding social protection in Uganda
  10. Mushunje.  From Welfare to transformative social protection for OVC: A livelihoods based perspective
  11. Mupedziswa, R.; Ntseane D.  The role of Social Protection in promoting social development in Botswana
  12. Nyenti MAT & Mpedi LG.  Impact of SADC Social Protection Instruments on the setting up of a minimum social protection floor in Southern African Countries
  13. Patel, L.; Hochfeld, T. Gender, Social protection and child well being:  A Gendered Analysis of the Child Support Grant in Doornkop
  14. Piachaud, D.  Social protection, redistribution and economic growth
  15. Vitic, I.   Social World Regions: A comparison of EU, ASEAN and SADC
  16. Zibagwe, S. Poor Child Focus in Social Protection and Resultant Unsustainable Social Development in Ethiopa
