
Integrated Social Policy. Visions and Strategies in the ESCWA Region

  • English
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Summary (English)

This report presents a comprehensive overview of how social policy is envisioned in the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) region and how it is integrated into the broader context of economic and social development. The report ponders important questions relating to the current development trajectories in ESCWA member countries, namely, how national development strategies address fundamental concerns with regard to equity, equality and balanced development; and how they tackle issues relating to poverty reduction and risk mitigation. The analysis revisits the way social and economic structures shape the institutions which govern social policy, as well as the importance of values and traditions in the manner with which societies organize roles and responsibilities across societal actors. It further reiterates the need to make social development an explicit goal of public policy along traditional public policy goals relating to economic expansion and growth.

Report social protection policy