
Chapter 3 | Figure 3.21 Distribution of social security expenditure for older persons among regions (2010/11) comparison with distribution of population aged 65 and over

Updated 02/02/2013

  • English
SocPro | F., Bonnet
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Summary (English)

Focus on public social protection expenditure on benefits for older persons: old age and survivors pensions, non periodic cash benefits as well as benefit in kind (old age home and other services in kind for elderly).

Types of benefits included are the following:

Cash periodic
- Old age pension from contributory schemes (or survivors pension).
- Non contributory old age pension (‘social pension’) either universal (old-age pension from social security fund in Seychelles or State old age pension in Bostwana) or means tested (old age allowance in Bangladesh; old age grant in South Africa).
Lump sum cash benefits:
- Withdrawals from individual savings account;
- One off payments (ex.  Savings bonus;  death grant).
Benefits in kind
- Residential care / Home-help services (Caring services for elderly in South Korea), Long-term care.
The objective of this figure is to compare the distribution of expenditure for older persons accross regions  and the corresponding distribution of the population aged 65 and above. Several graphs are available in the excel file.
Detailed sources of information are available in the statistical annex

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