
Social protection floor cost calculator

  • English
International Labour Office
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Summary (English)

The ILO Social Protection Floor calculator is a simplified rapid assessment tool to:

  • Estimate the costs involved in providing Social Protection Floor benefits for the population of a specified country or set of countries;
  • Provide policy makers and the general public with an initial assessment of the affordability of basic social protection benefits;
  • Explore and compare different policy options towards a gradual implementation of a Social Protection Floor.

The ILO Social Protection Floor calculator assesses the ultimate costs of recurrent annual benefit expenditure (without administrative costs) for any given set of standardized universal minimum social protection benefit guarantees once the initial transition phase is over and stable patterns could be expected. The results are presented as cost estimates expressed as a percentage of GDP based on most recent available data, corresponding to 2014 in most cases. It is based on data from key national statistics publicly available.
