
The System of Labour Administration in Suriname

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The drafting of The System of Labour Administration in Suriname was triggered by a similar publication of the ILO Subregional Office for the Caribbean, The System of Industrial Relations in Guyana, by its former Senior Specialist on Industrial Relations and Labour Administration. This publication is in keeping with the endorsement of the ILO Caribbean Labour Ministers’ Meeting held in the Bahamas in April 2004. Chapter 1 gives a short historic background of the institution of labour administration in Suriname. Chapter 2 includes some constitutional iv provisions and statutory requirements and contains some specific aspects of the labour relations in Suriname. Chapter 3 outlines the general functions of the primary institutions of labour administration, including those residing within the labour ministry. Chapter 4 summarizes the principles of ILO Conventions ratified by Suriname; and Chapter 5 presents in summary, the principal provisions in several laws of the labour legislation. This book presents evaluation opportunities for the labour administration. It will also be a useful guide for government agencies, employers, workers, investors and key players in the labour and industrial relations environment.

Report 817 Suriname Administration