
Minimum social protection for families with children in the CEE/CIS countries in 2009

  • English
Bradshaw, J.; Mayhew, E.; Alexander, G.
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The objective of this paper is to review the level and structure of the minimum social protection scheme for families with children in CEE/CIS countries. There are a variety of approaches that could be used in pursuit of this task.

This paper is based on a method of analysis for comparing social protection schemes - model family methods. This method has been used for many years by OECD to compare social protection packages in its Benefits and Wages series. We have also undertaken a series of studies since 1980 using the method to compare child benefit packages, social assistance, child support and policies for lone parents14. This is the first time the method has been used in CEE/CIS countries. This study coincides with a project using the method emanating from the University of British Columbia of 17 OECD countries so we will be able to compare our results with those from the countries in that study.

Report 3254 North Macedonia , Turkmenistan , Albania , Bulgaria , Türkiye , Uzbekistan , Ukraine , Yugoslavia , Armenia , Georgia , Serbia , Moldova , Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Romania , Belarus , Russian Federation , Croatia , Bosnia and Herzegovina Children