
Vietnam | AIS, 2005 - Final Report

  • English
General Statistical Office/ National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology/ USAID
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The 2005 Vietnam Population and AIDS Indicator Survey (VPAIS) was designed with the objective of obtaining national and sub-national information about program indicators of knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior related to HIV/AIDS.

The survey obtained information on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS. Inaddition, in Hai Phong province, the survey also collected blood samples from survey respondents in order to estimate the prevalence of HIV. The overall goal of the survey was to provide program managers and policymakers involved in HIV/AIDS programs with strategic information needed to effectively plan, implement and evaluate future interventions. This report presents the major findings from the 2005 VPAIS

Report 2899 Viet Nam HIV/AIDS , Statistics