
Transforming Cash Transfers: Beneficiary and community perspectives on the Social Welfare Fund in Yemen

  • English
Bagash, T.; Pereznieto, P.; Dubai, K.
Overseas Development Institute
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Summary (English)

The Overseas Development Institute carried out a multi-country study exploring the experiences and perceptions of unconditional cash transfer programmes in five countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Yemen and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). In Yemen, the study focuses on the Social Welfare Fund that has been setting up cash transfer programmes to alleviate poverty, especially as informal forms of social protection were increasingly eroded in the context of widespread economic and social disintegration.

The study is structured as follows:

  • Section 2 presents an overview of the conceptual framework used for the global study.
  • Section 3 provides a contextual overview of Yemen, including a review of economic and poverty characteristics, a glance at vulnerabilities facing some of the population groups that are of particular interest for this study and a synthesis of the social protection context.
  • The study’s methodology is presented in Section 4.
  • Section 5 provides a description of the study sites and respondents.
  • In Section 6, a brief depiction of the SWF is provided, how it links to other elements of Yemen’s social protection agenda and some of the challenges external evaluations of the programme have uncovered.
  • Section 7 analyses research findings in relation to people’s vulnerabilities and coping strategies.
  • Section 8 focuses on respondents’ perceptions of programme implementation. Section 9 explores the use of the CT and its positive and negative effects.
  • Section 10 contains a brief analysis of programme accountability.
  • Finally, Section 11 provides some ideas about future directions as well as some policy recommendations.

Report Yemen social transfers , cash / in-kind benefits