
The social dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy: A report of the Social protection committee

  • English
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
The European Union
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The Social Protection Committee (SPC), a policy forum for EU countries and the Commission, has issued a report on the "Social dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy" that examines actions to promote inclusion and reduce poverty, in line with the strategy's headline targets.

The report details the challenges in fighting poverty and social exclusion in the EU and assesses policy options for addressing them. It analyses actions focusing on:

  • sustainable and adequate reforms of social protection systems
  • active inclusion strategies
  • well-designed universal and targeted benefits for families and groups at risk
  • future pension adequacy and long-term financial sustainability of pensions
  • increased effectiveness of health care and long-term care

It also outlines findings of the SPC work carried out in 2010 on:

  • following the social consequences of the crisis
  • deepening the policy dialogue on the issue of pension sustainability and adequacy
  • social services of general interest


Report 2283