
Extension of Social Security to BPL Workers

  • English
ILO SRO for South Asia, CLASS
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Within the framework of the new Minimum Social Security Programme targeting the unorganized workers, the Government of India released the guidelines to the implementation of the new health insurance scheme called Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) which targets in the first phase the below poverty line workers and their families - about 300 million people, encouraging various State Governments to implement it. Responding positively, almost all State Governments in India are now committed to be part of this Central Government sponsored initiative.
The launching of the scheme on such a large scale provides new opportunities for the various organizations working at the grassroots level. Organizations such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), microfinance institutions (MFIs), trade unions and all forms of organized groups such as co-operatives and self-help group federations, may now play an active role through effective partnership arrangements to be developed at all levels in each State.
The ILO Subregional Office for South Asia and the GTZ strengthened their collaboration in this process and have provided technical support to a new national platform called Communities-Led Association for Social Security (CLASS), which involves some 30 organizations already leading micro-insurance activities.
The present document, prepared under the CLASS initiative, provides an overview of the main features and operational mechanisms of the health insurance scheme. It assesses its development potential in the various States and reviews the main opportunities and challenges, especially in relation to the efficient partnership arrangements that may be seen as a key element for the successful implementation of any health insurance scheme targeting the poor.

Working paper 4239 India Social protection policy , Microinsurance