
ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

  • English
International Labour Organization
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The ILO's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific covers one of the most diverse regions of the world -ethnically, culturally, religiously and economically. The population of more than 3.7 billion people includes some of the wealthiest countries on earth as well as two-thirds of the world's poor.

In recent years the region has faced challenges that have seriously tested its social-economic infrastructure -natural disasters, economic crises and continuing conflicts. In addition, shifts in the international economic environment and the spread of globalization continually generate new challenges.

The ILO works with its members in the region to deal with these and other issues. Institution building and local economic development play a critical role in social and economic progress. Respect for fundamental principles and rights at work helps to ensure that all sections of society benefit.

Significant challenges remain, including increasing productive employment opportunities, providing adequate social protection, combating human trafficking, and tackling bonded labour and child labour.

The ROAP operates a wider range of projects to tackle relief and development challenges, covering (amongst other things) child labour, crisis response, the informal economy, labour migration, poverty alleviation, safety and health, skills and employability and youth employment. The Office also supports work carried out by three ILO Subregional offices (SROs).

The major donors for the ILO's work in the region include the European Union, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America and the UN Development Programme.
