
Mapping of social security provisions by NG0s, government agencies and other civil society organizations in Zanzibar - Interviewers Manual

  • English
ILO, Social Security Department
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The ILO is being funded by DFID with additional funding from the UNCT Tanzania to produce a Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (SPER) and Social Budget (SB) for the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar in the context of the ¿ILO Global Campaign for Social Protection and Coverage for All as a Means to Reducing Poverty in Africa and Asia¿. The SPER and SB will consider contributory and non-contributory social protection in Zanzibar in order to create a base line and fifteen year projections.

In order to be able to assess existing non-contributory social protection it is necessary to undertake a mapping exercise covering all such types of provision as well as a situational analysis of Zakat and other faith provisions that will be carried out separately.

The mapping is in fact an inventory of all institutions (non governmental and community based organizations ¿ including faith-based organisations ¿, and international agencies) as well as government agencies providing non-contributory social security benefits. The expected output of this study is a report based mainly on the analysis of the data collected through a structured questionnaire administered in each of the identified institutions and agencies. In addition, extensive use of further existing information (notably on the institutional framework and social protection providers) from reports and surveys, will help in understanding the results and interpretation of them in relation of the specific context of Zanzibar.

This manual goes along with the questionnaire used for the quantitative part of this study.

Guide / manual 6999 United Republic of Tanzania Statistics