
Manual basic social protection

  • English
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Summary (English)

An 'electronic costing model 'has been developed to provide assistance to determine the cost of a basic social security benefit package in a user friendly way. It can serve as an educative tool for people with no quantitative skills allowing them to use Excel. The electronic model is based on a methodology of ILO costing studies. It can be used by policy-makers and other stakeholders to produce a first rough assessment of the feasibility of basic social security programmes in a country. But actual policy making has to be assisted with much more detailed costing and impact analysis.

This user manual is meant to be a guide to help you to use the costing model. It provides detailed instructions, explanations of each of the items, and information how to find the necessary data.


To install the electronic basic social protection tool, it is recommended to read first the 'User documentation'.

Guide / manual 2542