
Një analizë e Sistemit të Mbrojtjes Sociale në Shqipëri

ISBN 9789220347577
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The United Nations in Albania has been implementing a Joint Programme “Catalysing Municipal Social Protection” for the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 January 2022. Within the framework of this Joint UN Programme, the ILO, in collaboration with UNICEF and UNWOMEN, has conducted a review of the social protection system in Albania with a view to identifying gaps in coverage and financing of the existing system, and analysing the fiscal space for building a comprehensive
social protection system including national social protection floors. The present report provides an overview of the current national social protection systems, both contributory and non-contributory, and assess their recent trends and performance with respect to the structure and level of social expenditure, beneficiary coverage and adequacy, contributor coverage, and financial sustainability.A second report on Fiscal Space for Social Protection in Albania has been produced alongside this one.

Report ٢١٣٥ Albania