
Realizing Income Security in Old Age: The Feasibility of a Universal Old Age Pension in Malawi

  • English
Knox-Vydmanov, C.; Galvani, F.; Juergens, F.; Kavala, A.; Frota, L.
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Universal social pensions, which provide a basic pension to older people regardless of income or assets, are an increasingly popular approach in Sub-Saharan Africa to ensure a live in dignity and well-being for the elderly. This brief summarizes findings of a study by the Malawi Network of Older Persons’ Organization (MANEPO), HelpAge International, and the Government of Malawi, which finds that a universal social pension is both needed and feasible in Malawi. The study was written by Charles Knox-Vydmanov and Flavia Galvani of HelpAge International. 

Policy brief 3788