
Philippines: Provision of social security for overseas Filipino workers

  • Anglais
ILO SRO for South East Asia
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Résumé (anglais)

The document presents a new programme launch in The Philippines. The country is the largest labour sending country in Southeast Asia with 8 millions Filipinos living abroad. Thus, providing social protection for Overseas Filipino Workers during their working life but also during retirement is a major challenge. One of the main providers of Social Protection, SSS, signed a Memorandum of Agreement that will systematize voluntary social security coverage, especially through the Flexi-Fund Programme, a provident fund type of scheme featuring flexible payment terms and easy withdrawal of savings.

Information connexe

ILO Regional Meeting


Technical Paper published at the ILO Asia-Pacific Regional High-Level Meeting on Socially-Inclusive Strategies to Extend Social Security Coverage, held in New Delhi, India, 19-20 May 2008.

Document de travail 8818 Philippines