
An ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work

  • English
International Labour Office
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Summary (English)

The Code of Practice is the framework for action related to the workplace. It contains key principles for policy development and practical guidelines for programmes at enterprise, community and national levels. It covers in the following main areas:

• prevention of HIV

• management and mitigation of the impact of AIDS on the world of work

• care and support of workers infected and affected by HIV/AIDS

• elimination of stigma and discrimination on the basis of real or perceived HIV status.

The ILO developed the Code in response to many requests for guidance, on the basis of a widespread consultation with its constituents in all regions, and a range of other stakeholders.

It is an education and reference document as well as a tool for training, a framework for social dialogue and a guide for action. Each module is designed to involve people in active learning through the presentation of key issues, case studies, diverse learning activities, and samples of legislation, policies and collective agreements.

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