
Innovative pro-poor healthcare financing and delivery models

  • English
Dimovska, D.; Sealy, S.; Bergkvist, S.; Pernefeldt, H.
vi, 83
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Summary (English)

In their effort to improve health systems, developing countries face the challenge of integrating traditional government health resources with a large and growing private health sector, where many poor people seek care. This phenomenon is called “mixed health systems”.

This report describes 33 innovative financing and delivery programs selected based on their relevance to broader health systems and potential to achieve positive impact for poor people. It provides an overview of the Rockefeller Foundation’s broader initiative on the private sector and focuses on how governments can better steward the large private health markets in developing countries.

This report of current private sector health innovations identified programs that have the potential to improve health markets and equity in those markets by improving the existing structures rather than replace them.

In this work the goal was to better understand the current global landscape of pro-poor, financing and delivery healthcare models in mixed health systems. All programs in this work have been classified into different categories.

Studies 136