
Social protection in Africa: an overview of the challenges

  • English
Taylor, V.
African Union (AU)
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Summary (English)

This study provides an overview of different models of social protection measures currently in use in African Union member states. This framework is designed to enable policymakers in Africa to make informed choices on the issues, needs and social development priorities affecting people and limiting the growth and development of the region.

Some challenges and progress are identified and policy direction on the promotion, strengthening and sustaining of social protection in Africa forms part of the recommendations and conclusions.

The main method used to carry out the study was a desk top review of research studies, literature, official policy and documentation to survey the current status of social protection in Africa. In addition a set of questions were sent to government departments dealing with social security in AU Member States to verify and update information and data on social protection.

Key demographic data for each country, human development and poverty indicators and employment and unemployment trends in Africa were obtained through desk top reviews and databases of the United Nations Development Programme-Human Development Report data base and the World Population Bureau Data Base.

The study also draws on recent research undertaken on social protection in the region.
