
The relationship between old age and poverty in Vietnam

  • English
Evans, E.; et al.
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Summary (English)

Viet Nam is presently putting in place new social security structures more suited to an open, competitive economy. Old

age pensions are an important part of the social security system. This UNDP Policy Dialogue Paper presents a careful

analysis of the relationship between old age and poverty in Viet Nam, and identifies the central issues that policy

makers must consider as they redesign the pension system. Like the other papers in this series, this UNDP Policy

Dialogue Paper seeks to contribute to key policy debates in Viet Nam through an impartial consideration of the

country's development situation and potential implications for the future. Our aim is to encourage informed discussion

and debate through the presentation. of information and evidence collected and presented in a clear and objective



Research paper 2398 Viet Nam statistics