
Review of the literature on social protection shock responses and readiness

  • English
Overseas Development Institute
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Summary (English)

It explores two main issues relating to the social protection response to the food, fuel and financial crisis of 2007-2009 in low- and middle-income countries:
  • the expectations and perspectives of development partners on the role of social protection in shock response;
  • the experience of scaling up social protection responses during the 2007-2009 "triple crisis" (food, fuel and finance) in low- and middle-income countries, and the implications for future shock readiness.
It identifies and discusses the main types of social protection instruments adopted – social assistance, social security, and active labour-market policies – and examines the relative merits and drawbacks of each in low- and middle- income countries. It outlines the main instruments adopted in a number of selected countries from each region and provides a brief review of the role of the Rapid Social Response facility in scaling up the response process.

Report 1835