
Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Dominican Republic

  • English
Lavigne, M.; Vargas, L. H.
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
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This report aims at disseminating knowledge on the current status of the social protection system in the Dominican Republic and at discussing the country's main challenges in terms of realizing the economic and social rights of the population and achieving key development goals, such as combating poverty and hunger.

The report is organized in eight chapters:

I. Introduction
II. Dominican Republic: main economic and social indicators
III. The contributory pillar (social security), including A. Coverage of the pension system; B. Health social security system and C. Coverage of the health social security system
IV. The non-contributory pillar, which provides an overview of the non-contributory pillar: The Dominican Social Protection Network and the Social Policies Coordination Cabinet, analyses the Solidarity programme as well as the spending, funding and coverage of non-contributory programmes
V. The health sector
VI. Employment policies and the regulation of the labour market, including employment promotion programmes
VII. The education sector
VIII. Final remarks

Report 2683 Dominican Republic Education , Employment policy , Social assistance , Social health protection , Social insurance