
Global social security and economic development. Retrospect and prospect

  • English
Gongcheng, Z.; Scholz, W.
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Summary (English)

This working paper offers a comprehensive overview and interpretation of the interplays of economic and social policy developments at the global level and from a historical perspective. While showing an abundance of literature (and views) regarding social policy in the Western hemisphere, it fills the research gap in understanding the way China has supported its past decades of impressive economic development through proactive expansion and use of social security and its related institutions. The authors conclude that the positive trade and growth effects of globalization – triggered by the opening up of China that began in 1978 – provided a window of opportunity for the Chinese social security system. 

This Working Paper is the result of a joint research project between the China Association of Social Security, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).

Working paper 1075 China