
A COVID-19 e o setor da saúde

  • Portuguese
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Summary (English)

The COVID-19 crisis is drawing attention to the already overburdened public health systems in many countries, and to the challenges faced in recruiting, deploying, retaining and protecting sufficient well-trained, supported and motivated health workers. It highlights the strong need for sustainable investment in health systems, including in the health workforce, and for decent working conditions, training and equipment, especially in relation to personal protective equipment and occupational safety. Social dialogue is essential to building resilient health systems, and therefore has a critical role both in crisis response and in building a future that is prepared for health emergencies.

Summary (Portuguese)

Esta síntese informativa aborda a temática da saúde no âmbito da COVID-19.

Esta síntese disponibiliza informação sobre o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na saúde dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras e nos sistemas de saúde, assim como sobre as medidas de resposta rápida que foram adotadas.

Este trabalho insere-se no âmbito da avaliação preliminar sobre o impacto da COVID-19, que está a ser preparada pela OIT nos diferentes setores da economia.

Report 5117