
Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in the Philippines

  • English
International Labour Office
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Summary (English)

The Inventory aims at identifying the main community-based micro-insurance schemes currently operating in the Philippines. The study seeks to identify and provide basic documentation on these schemes in various sectors, including: (i) health care, (ii) life insurance, (iii) accidents, (iv) asset insurance, and others. For purposes of the Inventory, micro-insurance schemes are defined as those organised and managed by community-based organisations, cooperatives, health service providers, NGOs, trade unions, micro-finance institutions, and others for workers in the informal economy, people excluded from insurance coverage in the formal economy, and the poor and marginalized. The scope of the Inventory covers the Philippines as a whole, providing a basic profile and summary information listing of as many schemes as could be identified during the term of the survey (mid-November 2003 – end-March 2004). It is anticipated that the information will be useful for organizations and programs actively engaged in the promotion of micro-insurance in the Philippines. Findings may also prove useful for comparative studies of micro-insurance among several countries or programs of international agencies.

Inventory 1732 Philippines microinsurance