
Local development, social protection and inclusion: Typology of selected initiatives in Brazil

978-92-2-120988-1 (print) 978-92-2-120989-8 (web pdf)
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Summary (English)

Aims first to examine the historical evolution of the treatment of social exclusion and unemployment in Brazil so as to understand the importance of building a Brazilian identity associated to the promotion of inclusion through the work of the masses. Analizes the local development initiatives for each of the three sub-national development patterns, so as to better identify their potentials and difficulties when tackling exclusion and the lack of social protection. Finally, this study contributes to the formulation of a basic typology of local development, social protection and inclusion initiatives, which can be used not only as a methodological reference for further research but also to compare the quality and quantitity of intitiatives of local development. It concludes that certain dissonance between the three types of local initiatives, with diverging results, is also indicative of the effort required to homogenize interventions measures; an opportunity to construct a national policy supporting local development capable of bringing about convergence in terms of scale and results.

Article 2446