National dialogue on the social protection assessment matrix for Myanmar, March 24-26 2014

The Social Protection Sub-Working Group, co-chaired by the Ministry of Social Welfare and UNICEF, met on January 29th following the Development Forum and convened a Social Protection Technical Working Group, which is in charge of the elaboration of a national social protection strategy. During the workshop a work plan for the development of the strategy was formulated.

It was agreed that an assessment based national dialogue would be conducted, involving a wide range of stakeholders to assess the social protection situation, identify areas for government intervention to complete a national floor of social protection, and estimate the cost of the interventions. This process will inform the discussion on a national social protection strategy for Myanmar.

The first step of this process is to build a social protection assessment matrix aiming at providing a clear and consensual picture of social protection provisions in Myanmar and identifying coverage gaps and recommendations to fill in those gaps. A national dialogue workshop on the social protection assessment matrix for Myanmar took place in Nay Pyi Taw from Monday 24th March to Wednesday 26th of March (morning). The last half day was dedicated to the presentation and discussion on the identified recommendations.

List of participants

The second ABND dialogue will be held in June, 2014 and third ABND dialogue will be held in September, 2014.

A useful resource package has been created for conducting ABND exercises. This includes presentations, exercises, modules, tutorials, etc. based on real country cases.




Session 1: Expectations
Results of the group exercise

Session 2: Risk and social protection

Session 3: Social security, social protection floors, social protection systems – concepts and international standards for the extension of social protection
Results of the group exercise: two dimensions of social protection extension in Myanmar

Session 4: Assessment based national dialogue process and social protection strategies
Results of the group exercise: identifying special vulnerable groups in Myanmar

Session 5: Building the assessment matrix

Session 6: World café to identify policy gaps and implementation issues
Exercise sheet

Session 7: Filling the matrix
Instruction sheet
Draft social protection assessment matrix

Session 8: Plenary presentation of the recommendations of each group
Presentation for Health
The group working on children did an oral presentation
Presentation for Active Age
Presentation for Old Age
Presentation for coordination

Session 9: Panel discussion on the recommendations
Panel members: 
U Aung Tun Khaing, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Dr. Zaw Oo, Presidential Economic Adviser and Executive Director of MDRI-CESD
Dr. San San Aye, Director of Health Planning, Ministry of Health
Mariana Infante, Social Protection Specialist, The World Bank
Cristina Roccela, Chief of Social Policy, UNICEF Myanmar
Valerie Schmitt, Social Security Specialist, ILO Decent Work Team for South East Asia

Additional material (in Myanmar):
Jeopardy game on social protection in Asia
Recommendation No. 202 on social protection floors
ABND flyer
Glossary of the workshop

Photos of the workshop:


The ABND in Myanmar receives the support of all participating agencies as well as the ILO-Japan Social Safety Net Fund and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Myanmar.