

Situation and Priorities

Social protection situation

The National Strategy for Transformation (2018-2024) reaffirms the central role of social protection in eradicating poverty and enhancing the standard of living of Rwandans. The sector is further guided by the National Social Security Policy (2009) and the National Social Protection Policy (2020 – 2024). The national social protection system includes contributory and non-contributory schemes. The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) - established in 2010 provides six schemes: (1) pension scheme; (2) occupational hazards scheme; (3) maternity leave scheme; (4) medical scheme; (5) community-based health insurance scheme (CBHI) and (6) EjoHeza, a long-term saving scheme with membership available to the whole population. Several non-contributory programmes aim at covering the most vulnerable. Established in 2008, the Umurenge Programme (VUP) is Rwanda’s flagship social protection programme. The VUP provides direct support to extremely poor and labour constrained households but providing adequate coverage to all households in need remains a major challenge.

While social health coverage reaches over 85% of the population, coverage of other schemes remains low. RSSB’s contributory schemes reach only formal workers accounting for less than 10% of the population. However, the COVID-19 pandemic also underlined the vulnerability of workers in the formal economy who currently don’t have unemployment protection. Since its launch in 2018, EjoHeza increased its membership reaching over 1,000,000 subscribers (RSSB Action Plan 2021 – 2022).

Government and social partner priorities

In 2018, the Government updated and adopted the National Social Protection Policy (NSSP). The Policy proposes a more comprehensive vision for social protection that encapsulates social security, short-term social assistance, social care services and targeted livelihood and employment support. The NSSP Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan (SP-SSP) 2018/19 – 2023/24 highlights the following priority areas:

  1. increase access to social security and income support programmes, particularly among vulnerable older people, people with disabilities, households with low labour capacity and other poor families.
  2. enhance social protection sector’s contribution to reducing malnutrition.
  3. strengthen support for households and communities affected by disasters and shocks.
  4. strengthen the provision of social care services for the protection and inclusion of the most vulnerable
  5. strengthen linkages between social protection and complementary programmes that support sustainable graduation from extreme poverty
  6. promote values of self-reliance, respect for rights and community-based support for the vulnerable
  7. strengthen institutional capacity for evidence-based policy development and social protection service delivery.

ILO Projects and Programmes

Funding gaps / Support the ILO

US$ 100,000

Launch of a Rwanda Social Protection Week

Impact: Organization and instituionalization of a week long advocacy event on social protection targeting a variety of audiences from policy makers and technicians to the general public
US$ 600,000

Promoting decent jobs through stronger social protection

Impact: Social partners and the government have increased awareness of social protection, developed the necessary tools for implementation based on sector specific needs and strengthened capacities to ensure compliance
US$ 500,000

Unemployment protection

Impact: 500,000 persons are covered by unemployment insurance and 500,000 unemployed persons have access to improved employment promotion services
US$ 200,000

Support provided to the Rwanda Social Security Board's to become a members first, data driven, evidence-based and high performing organization

Impact: RSSB implemented a knowledge managment strategy leading to better services for their members

News and Events


ILO Experts

Jasmina Papa
Social Protection Specialist
Aurelie Klein
Project Manager
Marcel Muraille
Junior Professional Officer
Francois Murwanashyaka