
Briefing on Social Protection Floors for All: Post-2015 Targets, Indicators and Means of Implementation


This event discussed illustrative targets and indicators on extending social protection floors for all in the post-2015 development agenda.

Seventy-five per cent of people worldwide now lack access to adequate social protection.  The Rio+20 outcome document strongly encouraged national and local initiatives aimed at providing social protection floors for all citizens in line with ILO Recommendation 202 concerning National Floors of Social Protection.  In shaping future sustainable development goals, the extension of social protection and social security has been identified by the co-chairs of the Open Working Group as a core issue pertinent to the focus areas of Poverty Eradication, Employment and Decent Work for All, and Promoting Equality.

This event discussed illustrative targets and indicators on extending social protection floors for all to inform the deliberations surrounding the post-2015 development agenda.  Concrete examples and successful experiences on means of implementation of social protection floors, including financing issues, will also be addressed.


* H.E. Mrs. Bénédicte Frankinet - Permanent Representative of Belgium to the UN - Read the introductory remarks
* H.E. Mr. Desra Percaya - Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN - Read the introductory remarks
* Mr. Mateo Estreme - Deputy Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN
* Isabel Ortiz - Director, Social Protection Department, ILO - See the presentation.

More information

See also: "The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals has now recognized focus areas to guide the upcoming agenda. What role can social protection floors play in realizing the priorities identified?"

This event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Belgium and Indonesia to the UN and the ILO.

Events 12.03.2014 - 12.03.2014 Social protection floor Archived