Workshop on SPF and ABND in Lao PDR, 26 April 2013

The process of the Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) on social protection in Lao PDR commenced at a one-day workshop on 26 April 2013, that introduced the Social Protection Floor concept and the Assessment Based National Dialogue methodology.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  1. To familiarise participants with Social Protection Floor (SPF) framework and the Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) exercise.
  2. To share the experiences of Assessment Based National Dialogue in other ASEAN countries (Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam).
  3. To update participants on recent developments, activities and plans of the government and development partners with regards to social protection.
  4. To set up an interagency working group for ABND in Lao PDR and plan the ABND activities.

The workshop was attended by representatives of relevant govenment line ministries, UN agencies, and civil society organisations (see list of participants).

The workshop covered presentations on the SPF framework and the ABND exercise by the ILO team, presentations on existing government programmes and priorities by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and the Social Security Office, and participant's discussions regarding the structure and the next steps of the ABND exercise in Lao PDR.


As an outcome of this workshop it was decided to establish an inter-ministerial committee that would be in charge of overseeing the ABND exercise and to work towards formulating a national social protection strategy. The Drafting Committee for the National Social Protection Strategy was appointed on 9 September 2013, chaired by H.E. Ms. Baykham Khattiya, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. The Secretariat of the Drafting Committee, consisting of technical level representatives of line ministries and charged with carrying out technical work for the ABND, met for the first time on 28-29 April 2015 to provide comments and recommendations on the assessment of social protection in Lao PDR: Meeting of the Secretariat of the Drafting Committee.


Presentation 1: Social Protection Floor Framework (English)

Presentation 2: Assessment Based National Dialogue Exercise (English)

Presentation 3: Government social welfare strategies 2013-2020 (Lao)

Presentation 4: Social security system of Lao PDR (Lao)

Presentation 5: Social Security system for enterprises of Lao PDR (Lao) 

Presentation 6: Coordination Mechanism

TOR and Agenda of the workshop

Summary of ABND in Lao PDR

Minutes of the Workshop

List of Partcipants