Information, Education and Communication (IEC) event on “Unemployment Insurance” policies and procedures, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 24 October 2012

Although the unemployment insurance scheme’s performance in Viet Nam is remarkable for the fast increase in coverage, statistics show that less than 2 per cent of unemployed beneficiaries return to work prior to the end of the benefit entitlements. And, up to April 2012, out of the 560,447 cases receiving UI benefits, only 3,969 have attended a vocational training course, accounting for less than 1 per cent of the total UI beneficiaries, even though insured unemployed are entitled to training allowance up to 6 months. It can be said that insured unemployed tend to perceive the ESCs as the office to register for UI benefits rather than the place to find information on jobs available and training opportunities.

Capacity of the Employment Service Centers staff, in terms of number and competencies, as well as high turn-over rates are also other salient issues that hinder the good performance of the UI scheme. Furthermore, many stakeholders, including BOE, VSS, VGCL, VCCI, employers and beneficiaries have recommended, in a number of occasions, streamlining the procedures for registering, claiming and receiving UI benefits. Finally, despite significant achievement in extension of coverage (8.3 million registered employee by May 2012), it appears that a large proportion of employers and employees are still unclear with UI procedures, and their respective rights and obligations. This request for more information regarding the yet relatively new scheme is also felt among the larger public and media.
In this context, the Bureau of Employment of MoLISA, in charge of the UI policy design and implementation, perceived as timely to organize a communication event in order to widely explain to workers’ and employers’ representatives, and the public the purpose, rights and obligation of each part, and procedures of the UI scheme, as well as roles and functions of the different institutions involved in the implementation of the UI policy. This event was also the opportunity for BOE to respond in a transparent manner to concerns among workers’ and employers’ representatives, users and public regarding the performance of the UI scheme.
The event, organized with the support of the ILO/Japan Project “Promoting and Building Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services in ASEAN”, gathered 250 people, including representatives of MoLISA, VSS, VCCI, VGCL, and other trade unions, selected employers and workers working in Thang Long industrial park.
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