
2nd meeting of the Global Business Network - 26 October 2016

  • English
Thibault Van Langenhove
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The second meeting of the Global Network for Social Protection Floors will be an opportunity to share progress accomplished by the Global Business Network during its first year of existence and to identify possible activities for the coming year.

  • To share progress accomplished on the work plan of the Global Business Network
  • To identify activities for the coming year
  • To engage further members of the Network in the implementation of activities
  • Members of the Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors
  • ILO representatives
  • IOE representatives
  • Representatives of the Pakistan Business Network for Social Protection Floors

08:30 – 09:00

Coffee and registration of participants

09:00 – 09:450


  • Welcoming remarks
  • Introduction of the participants and new members
  • Objectives and agenda of the meeting
  • Achievements of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All


Coffee break & group photo

10:15 – 11:30

Develop a guide on social protection programmes within companies

Main achievements (15 minutes):

  • Presentation of the briefs on companies’ programmes
  • Presentation of main lessons learned 

Discussions (45 minutes) –facilitated by Alucam (TBC):

  • What tools are required to support companies in developing social protection programmes?
  • How can members of the GBN contribute to this knowledge development?
  • How to further share information among members of the GBN and provide peer-to-peer support?


Documenting the results and impacts of social protection

Main achievements and developments (15 minutes):

  • Presentation of the work in progress  conducted by the Research Department of the ILO on L’Oréal case
  • Presentation of evidences gathered through different researches
  • Toward a common research protocol


Discussions (45 minutes) –facilitated by L’Oreal (TBC):

  • Ambition in terms of research
  • What can members of the GBN do in terms of research?
  • Proposition of an action plan

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch at ILO restaurant

14:00 – 15:00

Develop a guide for the private sector to promote the establishment of SPFs

Main achievements and developments (15 minutes):

  • Creation of a Business Network in Pakistan (TBC)
  • Facilitation of a training in Turin

Discussions (45 minutes) –facilitated by El Corte Inglés (TBC):

  • What could be the role of the GBN members in promoting the implementation of social protection floors in countries?
  • What actions can be taken in the short term

15:00 – 16:00

Strengthening the Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors

Achievements and perspectives (15 minutes):

  • Update on new thematic/country/regional initiatives
  • Collaboration with the Global Compact

Discussions (45 minutes) –facilitated by Geely (TBC):

  • Ambition in terms of extension
  • Defining what it means to be a member of the GBN
  • Proposition of next steps 


Coffee Break


