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Résumé (anglais)

To set up a social welfare system adapted to China’s particular context and stage of development is one of the most important policy objectives that will help ensure the benefits of China’s social and economic development are better shared and that will contribute to the implementation of the concept of Scientific Outlook on Development. Since the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Government has invested increasing resources in the construction of the social welfare system, seeking for innovative practices, and this has led to significant progress. In order to further improve the Chinese welfare institutions and build a well-regulated and sustainable social welfare system for all, the China Development Research Foundation (CDRF) set up a research team to work on this topic. The main research findings and policy recommendations of the resulting report, “China Development Report 2008/09: Constructing a Developmental Social Welfare System for All”, are summarized in this paper.

Résumé (Chinois)


Rapport scientifique 1971 Chine