
全球各国社会保障体系 养老保险调节机制

  • Chinese
Zhuang, B.
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Summary (English)

Referring to Social Security Programs Throughout the World : Europe, 2008/Asia and the Pacific, 2008/Africa, 2009 published by ISSA, this article sumarizes the benefit adjustment mechanism for old-age pension system of 136 countries around the world in the last 4 years. The aim of this document is to assist the All China Federation of Trade Union in preparing a report for the Chinese State Council.

The introduction is in Chinese; the description of mechanisms, in English.

Summary (Chinese)

为了协助中华全国总工会向国务院提交有关养老保险自动调节机制的报告,本文参考国际社会保障协会 International Social Security Association,简称ISSA2008-2009年出版的Social Security Programs Throughout the World : Europe, 2008/Asia and the Pacific, 2008/Africa, 2009, 总结了全世界各地区大多数国家养老保险的调节机制。


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