
Concept note - High-level special event on South-South dialogue on the SPF-I - 2 Feb 2010

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ILO-WHO-Special Unit for SOuth SOuth Cooperation
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Summary (English)

In conjunction with the 48th Session of the Commission for Social Development, the Special Unit for South South Cooperation, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization are sponsoring a high-level special event on South-South cooperation on the Social Protection Floor Initiative on 2 February 2010 from 3:00 – 5.00 p.m. in Conference Room 8 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. 

The main objective of this meeting is two-fold: a) to support and facilitate an exchange of knowledge and experiences across the South on complementarities, best practices, lessons learned in establishing social protection floors while also examining existing opportunities and obstacles; b) to establish a consortium of member states from the South in supporting efforts to establish and/or expand social protection floors. 

Brochure / fact sheet 2899