
Part I. Setting-up a health micro-insurance scheme, rationale and relevance

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Summary (French)

The present document is the first part of the introductory guide “Setting-up a Micro Health Insurance Scheme: Relevancy, challenges and process”, that aims to provide potential promoters of micro-insurance schemes with elements that might be essential to understand and to account for before deciding to engage in the setting-up of a health micro-insurance scheme.
More specifically, this first part “Setting up HMIS, rationale and relevancy” gives elements to:
• understand the need to protect “excluded groups” against catastrophic health expenditures and inappropriate access to health care related to financial reasons and therefore understand the rationale for setting up a HMIS;
• understand the core characteristics of a HMIS and approach a definition of HMIS;
• evaluate when using health insurance mechanism to protect “excluded groups” is relevant and to understand which pre-conditions should be met to set-up a HMIS;
• clarify HMIS' potential and limitations in regards to “excluded groups” protection against catastrophic health expenditures and inappropriate access to health care due to financial reasons.

Guide / manual microinsurance