
Poverty Reduction Database

  • English
McGill University, Institute for Health and Social Policy
External link

Summary (English)

The IHSP is currently in the process of finalizing a unique database focused on mechanisms aimed at lifting individuals and families out of poverty. This database consists of five components, each of which examines a different category of social protection policies. The five policy areas that form the focus of the database include: minimum wage policies, which are meant to provide a lower limit for wages to protect the workers who earn the least; family allowances, which provide financial assistance to those caring for dependent children; unemployment insurance and assistance programs, which provide temporary income security in the event of job loss; old-age pensions, which provide a source of income to elderly individuals; and disability and work injury benefits, which provides income replacement in instances where an individual’s working capacity has been diminished by illness or injury. Further, supplemental data has been gathered on the social security benefit entitlements of disabled children, and statutorily guaranteed rights to ­severance pay.
