
Old-Age Income Support in the 21st Century

  • English
Holzmann, R.; Hinz, R.; et al.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank
0-8213-6040-X (pbk.)
x, 218
External link

Summary (English)

This articulation of policies and priorities is intended to assist Bank clients and the broader international public to understand and appreciate the Bank’s framework for pension reform and to facilitate its ability to work effectively with clients in meeting the challenges ahead. This report provides a guide to the criteria and standards that the World Bank will apply in deciding when and where to provide financial and technical support for pension reforms.

The report has two main parts. Part 1 presents the framework for the Bank’s thinking on pension reform, including its origins and scope, and the structure of Bank lending in this area. Part 2 highlights key issues pertaining to design and implementation. This introduction summarizes the main messages and outlines the structure of the report.

Working paper