
Realising Decent Work and Social Protection for all: How Civil Society organizations are creating change

  • English
Coleman, R.
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Summary (English)

Civil society and representative workers organizations have a vital role to play in Acheiving Social Protection for all: supporting the move to adopt a realistic basic global level of social protection as set out in the ILO’s Social Protection Floor Initiative; organizing and giving voice to workers and other vulnerable groups in their call for equity and decent livelihoods; and in holding governments and the international community to account when they fail to implement the legislation, policies and funding to which they have committed.

This report highlight examples of how Global Network members are supporting workers’ organizations, raising awareness of the basic right to social security and decent working conditions, advocating for legislative changes so that everybody can benefit from basic social protection and decent work, and monitoring the implementation of existing legislation to ensure that hard-won commitments to change move from paper to practice.

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