
The gender dynamics and impact of the child support grant in Doornkop, Soweto

  • English
Patel, L.; Hochfeld, T.; Moodley, J.; Mutwali, R.
Centre for Social Development in Africa, University of Johannesburg
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Summary (English)

This paper offers insight into how a range of privations of a physical, educational, social, cultural, and economic nature combine to create a precarious existence for grant beneficiaries of which the majority are women. It demonstrates that by approaching the study from the perspective of women care givers of children, valuable insight is gained first into their views of the role of the Child Support Grant (CSG) in mitigating poverty and vulnerability, and in easing women’s domestic and care responsibilities. It also demonstrates women’s agency in the deployment of resources to promote overall household and child wellbeing.

Research paper 2134 South Africa