
Manual for auditing the administration and functioning of a Community Based Health Insurance scheme

  • English
Ministry of Health Lao PDR, WHO
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Summary (French)

This main administrative manual should be read along with the two excell tables (see Information connexe links).

This manual explains the basics and workings of the administrative system, and shows the key number of forms used. It also contains a routine monitoring system for the CBHI unit in the hospital to provide monthly reports to the central unit.
The system is currently paper-based. It includes several double checks, allowing to discover fraud or mistakes. Many parameters are routinely measured: new members, drop-outs, late payments, amount the hospitals spend on drugs or diagnostic tools, number and rate of in/out patients, average length of stay compared to non-insured, number of contacts with health providers per person per year, per cent administrative costs, etc.
This administrative system has been developed and successfully implemented in parts of five districts in Laos. Experience has shown that new staff with very little administrative training are able to implement it, with little supervision.

Guide / manual Lao PDR